26. Veer's Care🤌🏻😌


It had been two days since the mahashivratri incident, and while everything seemed to have returned to normal, Akshu couldn't shake off her feelings of doubt and skepticism about giving Veer another chance in their marriage.

Despite her reservations, Akshu was grateful for the love and respect that Veer's family had shown her. It was overwhelming, to say the least. Meera, Veer's mother, had become a mother figure to her, while Bhavya had taken on the role of a father. Pakhi, Hriday, and Ansh were like siblings to her, and she had grown to love them as her own.

[Hey bhagwan meri akshu ko saari khushiyan do🥹❤️]

As they all sat down for breakfast this morning, Akshu couldn't help but feel grateful for the family that she had gained through her marriage to Veer. The women had finished serving the food, and the men were deep in discussion about business matters. Veer, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off his wife. He was in awe of her beauty and strength, and he knew that he had a lot of work to do to regain her trust and love.

Despite the challenges that lay ahead, Akshu was determined to give Veer a chance to prove himself. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to put in the effort to make their marriage work. As they all chatted and laughed over breakfast, Akshu couldn't help but feel hopeful for the future.

The family was gathered around the breakfast table, enjoying their meal when Chachaji's phone rang. He excused himself and stepped away to answer the call. When he returned, the air was thick with tension as everyone watched him with bated breath, waiting for him to speak.

"What's wrong, Sindhu?" Dadiji asked her youngest son, concern etched on her face.

Chachaji took a deep breath before responding. "I received a call from the village. There is some work to be done at the haveli, and we must all go for the kuldevi's pooja."

A sense of relief washed over the family as they realized that there was no immediate cause for alarm. However, the thought of traveling to the village on short notice was daunting, and some members of the family were more hesitant than others.

Akshu, in particular, was feeling unwell. Her body was aching, and she was not sure if she would be able to make the journey. She turned to her mother-in-law, Meera, and whispered, "Do we all have to go?"

Meera, sensing her daughter-in-law's discomfort, hummed in response. Akshu continued, "I don't think I can travel. My back hurts, and I don't feel well. Can I stay behind?"

Meera was worried about her daughter's health but knew that they had to go to the village. "What happened, baccha? I won't go either. I'll stay with you. Let me talk to Veer's father and explain the situation."

Akshu stopped her before she could leave. "Don't worry, Maa. I'll be fine. I'll take some medicine and rest. You go ahead. We need you in the village."

After some hesitation, Meera agreed and left to prepare for the trip. Akshu, meanwhile, took some medicine and rested, hoping that her condition would improve soon.

As the family prepared to leave, Akshu watched them go, feeling a pang of sadness at being left behind. However, she knew that it was for the best, and she was grateful for her mother-in-law's concern and understanding. Akshu had been feeling unwell lately and Veer didn't want to leave her alone. He knew that she would never ask him to stay, but he couldn't bear the thought of leaving her behind. So, he also stayed behind.

Akshu was sitting in her bedroom, feeling uneasy down there. As she went to the washroom, she realized that she had got her periods. She looked around for her sanitary pads but couldn't find them. Her heart sank as she remembered that she had forgotten to put her pads in her closet during the marriage chaos. "Oh God! How can you be so stupid Akshu? Now how will I find the sanitary pad?" Her subconscious scolded her.

[This stupid periods....😭😭 ye har mahine q aate h?? Akshu kaho toh veerji ko bolke kuch mahine ka rest diladu🌚🌚]

Akshu felt helpless as all the ladies of the house had gone to the village and she couldn't ask anyone to bring her the pads. She was thinking of some solution when she heard the opening of her room door. She quickly hid behind the closet door when she saw her husband, Veeransh, coming inside and picking his clothes.

"This is the time, ask him. Go," her subconscious urged her. She gathered some courage and called out to him, "Veeranshh." At first, he couldn't find her, but she sighed and called out to him again, "Veeransh...here." This time he heard her and walked towards her.

"Sweetheart, why are you here? You should rest, you are unwell," he said as he approached her. Akshu stopped him and hesitated a bit but finally asked, "Veeransh...umm.. I need your help."

Veeransh looked at her with concern and asked, "What do you need, Akshu?"

Akshu took a deep breath and said, "I need a sanitary pad. I forgot to keep them in my closet and I can't find them anywhere."

His expression changed from worried to confused. But then he hummed and went away.Feeling helpless, Akshu could do nothing but wait for Veer to return. She watched as he disappeared into the distance, wondering what he would do. Veer walked a few steps ahead and then stopped in his tracks. He realized that he had no idea what Akshu was talking about. So he decided to look up "What is Periods?" on Google.

As he read the information, he started to understand the gravity of the situation. He quickly called his men and asked them to bring sanitary pads from the medical shop. When one of his men asked him, "Sir, which brand sanitary pad you want. They have a lot of variety." Veer replied, "Bring the entire shop's sanitary pads."

As he waited for his men to return with the sanitary pads, Veer started to think about the discomfort that Akshu must be feeling. He knew that women experienced cramps and mood swings during their periods and he couldn't bear to see his wife suffer. So he decided to look up ways to ease the pain and discomfort.

Google showed him that a hot chocolate drink and a hot water bag could help alleviate some of the discomfort. Veer hated the name of chocolate, but he knew that it wasn't about him. It was about his wife's well-being. So, he went to the kitchen and removed his t-shirt, not wanting to get any stains on it.

[And author here admiring the hot chocolate bar🤤....I mean Veer 🌚🌚]

Finally, his men returned with the entire shop's stock of sanitary pads and veer ordered them to arrange it in their bathroom.

The smell of the chocolate was hitting his nostrils. He was feeling nausea, but composed himself and said, "Fine, it's done. Sweetheart, must be waiting for me." He opened the door to their room, and the clicking sound alerted Akshu. She stood up abruptly, and Veer could see the pain etched on her face. Without wasting any time, he went to the bathroom and filled the bathtub with warm water, adding a few drops of lavender oil to help soothe Akshu's discomfort. He had read online that lavender oil had calming properties that could alleviate menstrual cramps.

After the tub was filled, Veer called out to Akshu, asking her to take her time and get fresh in the bathtub. He didn't want her to feel rushed or pressured in any way. He knew that the menstrual cycle could be a difficult time for women, and he wanted to do everything he could to make it easier for Akshu. As Akshu soaked in the warm water, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. She had never experienced such care and attention from anyone before. Veer's love and concern for her were palpable, and it made her feel cherished and loved.

Veer stood outside the bathroom, listening to the soft sound of the water and Akshu's gentle breathing. He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction knowing that he had done something to make Akshu's life a little easier. As he waited for her to finish, he thought about all the things he could do to make her feel special and loved. He knew that he would always be there for her, no matter what.

Akshu POV:

As I opened the door to the bathroom, the first thing that hit me was the tingling fragrance of lavender oil. It was as if the whole room was filled with the aroma of freshly bloomed lavender flowers. I couldn't help but take deep breaths, trying to inhale as much of the beautiful scent as I possibly could.

But as I explored the bathroom further, I couldn't help but wonder how he knew so much about menstruation. I mean, I knew that he was an understanding and caring husband, but this level of knowledge was something else entirely.

Suddenly, my eyes landed on a note that was stuck on the shelf. It read, "Sanitary pads, take care baby. Love Veeransh." I couldn't help but smile at how sweet and caring he was. I opened the shelf and was shocked to find that it was filled with different varieties of sanitary pads. It was as if he had bought the entire medical shop.

As I stood there, taking it all in, I heard my excited subconscious mind yell, "Okay, Akshu, too much talking. Let's go in the bathtub. I am so excited." I couldn't help but laugh at how excited I was as well.

I took a sanitary pad and kept it aside with my clothes. Then, I went near the tub and stripped myself. As I entered the warm water, the lavender fragrance immediately soothed my cramps. It was as if all my worries and tensions were being washed away with the calming scent.

In that moment, I couldn't help but realize how lucky I was to have such a caring and understanding husband. Nobody had ever cared for me this much, and it made me feel incredibly special and loved.

As I relaxed in the bathtub, I couldn't help but think about our relationship. I think I should also put efforts in our relationship. Yes, Akshu this marriage is important for both the peoples and both of them should put efforts to flourish it and make it successful.

After spending some time in the bathtub, I changed and got ready. As I walked out of the bathroom, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and care that Veeransh had shown me. It was a feeling that I knew I would cherish forever. I saw him sitting on the bed. Maybe he was waiting, Oh! Akshu don't think much.

"Sweetheart, sit here. Did the cramps get lesser?" he asked, his voice soft and gentle. I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. He then extended his hands towards the table, and I noticed that he had brought me a hot chocolate drink.

[Aur kitne standards badhaoge veerji😭😭🤌🏻]

I was surprised and delighted. I had always wanted to try hot chocolate but had never been allowed to by my chacha-chachaji. But now, with Veeransh by my side, I felt free to indulge in this small pleasure.

The sweet aroma of the chocolate hit me, and I squealed in happiness. "It's for you, Sweetheart. Have it," he said, a smile spreading across his face. Overwhelmed with gratitude, I hugged him and gave him a peck on his cheek.

"Thank you, Veeransh, for taking care of me," I said, pulling away from the hug. I felt embarrassed and silly for acting so childishly, but Veeransh didn't seem to mind. Instead, he held my chin and made me look up at him.

"Sweetheart, see here. I am always here for you," he said, his eyes filled with love and affection. "I love you." My heart skipped a beat as I blushed, feeling a surge of happiness and contentment.

The inner child in me did a happy dance as I finished all the hot chocolate drink at once. "Sweetheart, take rest and keep this hot bag. I will come back in some time with dinner," he said, tucking me in and making sure I was comfortable.

As he left the room, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. Veeransh was truly a blessing in my life. And so, my painful day turned into a happy and caring day, all thanks to him and his unwavering love and kindness.

Hello Loveliess!! Here, is the latest update. I know u all are waiting for me but my exams are going to start from tommorow and here I am writing this update for you all. Please adjust.

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Okay Bye. Goodnight.

Love Authorshyra ❤️

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