32. Chudail 😱


Morning light streamed through the window, casting a gentle glow upon the two figures nestled together. Veer stirred from his slumber, his gaze drifting down to the peaceful face of his beloved wife, Akshu. A stray tendril of hair obscured her features, prompting him to tenderly brush it aside, his heart swelling with affection as he beheld her.

"I wish time could stand still in moments like these," Veer murmured softly, his voice filled with adoration. "Just to watch my Little Birdie in her peaceful slumber."

[Bas Veerji kitna single feel kraoge😭😭😭]

As Akshu began to stir, her eyes fluttering open to meet Veer's loving gaze, a blush crept onto her cheeks. "Good morning, Bholuji," she greeted him in her morning voice, her affection for him evident in her words.

Veer let out a playful groan, teasingly retorting, " Aise har Roz ye naam se bulao aur fir hum batayenge, ye bholu ji kya kar sakte hai"

{If you keep calling me that every day, I might just have to show you what this 'Bholuji' can do.}

[Naughty veer 🌚🌚]

Akshu's eyes widened in mock surprise, a mischievous glint dancing within them. Attempting to extricate herself from Veer's embrace, she pleaded, "Veeransh, let me get up. I want to make breakfast too."

But Veer tightened his hold around her waist, a pout forming on his lips as he protested, "No, Maa can make breakfast too. Let's just stay like this a little longer."

With a playful laugh, Akshu managed to slip away from Veer's grasp, darting towards the bathroom as she called over her shoulder, "I'll be quick, promise!"

Chuckling to himself, Veer ran a hand through his tousled hair before making his way to the adjacent bathroom to freshen up for the day ahead.

Akshu's POV:

Stepping out of the closet, I straighten my suit, feeling super excited. Today's my first day as a dance teacher at my own academy, and I can't wait. It's all thanks to Veeransh. He's been so supportive, giving me a beautiful family and helping me make my dream come true.

Yet, amidst it all, I've come to a profound realization—I've fallen for him, not out of obligation or gratitude, but because of the genuine warmth and tenderness he exudes.It's in the little gestures, the caring glances, that I find myself falling deeper in love with him each day. They say the eyes are windows to the soul, and in his, I see nothing but sincerity and devotion towards our marriage.

I will surely express my love for him. It needs to be special, like he does for me. Waiting for the right time.

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly felt a strong pull, and before I knew it, I was pushed against a nearby wall. It didn't took me much time to realise, that it was my husband.

"Veeransh ye aap...", I began, but he silenced me with a gentle press of his finger against my lips.

"Shhh... sweetheart. Let me admire my wife.", he said softly , his hands tenderly cupping my cheeks.

Slowly he drew closer to my neck, causing my breath caught in my throat. His warm breath brushed against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

"Sweetheart", he murmured, leaving me anything to do but humm in response. "Your lavender fragrance drives me crazy.", he confessed, burying his face in the crook of my neck and peppering open mouth kisses eliciting me with delicious mixture of pleasure and excitement.

"Do you like it...when I kiss on your neck?", he inquired, his voice with a tinged of amusement as he continued to lavish attention on me.

[Subah subah itni hotness 🥵🥵]

With shaky legs, I gripped on his biceps for support, relishing the sensation he stirred within me.

Eventually, he pulled away, his gaze lingered on my flushed cheeks and quickened heartbeat.

A smirk played on his lips as he remarked, "You look even prettier now."

"Thankyou", I manage to reply and feeling a rush of warm in me as we both descended downstairs together.


I made my way to our family temple and received blessings from Kanha Ji. After taking some prasad for myself, I headed to the kitchen.

I found Veer and the other family members settled on the sofa. Meanwhile, the kids—Riansh, Pakhi, and Hriday—were busy with Riansh's laptop.

I served everyone their preferred beverages and took my seat. Suddenly, Riansh called out to me, "Bhabhimaa, come here. The photos of your marriage ceremony have been sent."

My mind wandered back to the time when I had contemplated running away from Veeransh. But as fate would have it, I ended up here, enjoying this moment with my family.

I joined them, and we began looking through the wedding ceremony pictures. It was a joyful experience until Pakhi's voice interrupted us. I turned to her, only to find her looking at me with confusion.

"What happened, Pakhi Baccha?" I asked, curious.

Pakhi hesitated before asking, "Bhabhimaa, what's that red mark on your neck?"

It was then that I realized Akshu had left a kiss and a playful bite mark there. Oh, silly me! Why hadn't I checked the mirror before coming downstairs? Now, what should I say? I glanced at Veeransh, hoping he would come to my rescue.

[Veeru Love Bite dediye bade tej ho rhe ho 😏😏]

He was sitting right in front of us, smirking and casually sipping his coffee. That mischievous grin told me he knew exactly what had happened and was enjoying my predicament.

Well, now I had to think fast about what to say to Pakhi. "Bhabhimaa, nishaan jyada dark hai. Kya hua hai??"

As Ansh asked about the red mark on my neck, my mind raced for an excuse. Suddenly, it was like a light bulb went off in my head, and I blurted out, "Chudail ne katta!!"

I immediately regretted it. "Chudail? Seriously, Akshu?" I scolded myself silently. Ansh's eyes widened in surprise. "Bhabhimaa, Chudail hai yaha pe?" he exclaimed, looking around nervously.

I couldn't help but facepalm at my own ridiculousness.

Trying to save the situation, I launched into a wild explanation. "Yesterday, when I was sleeping, I suddenly woke up to see this big chudail sitting on my couch!" I mimicked the chudail's pose, arms outstretched and eyes wide open. "And then, she started coming towards me, and I backed off like this," I demonstrated, pretending to shuffle backward until my back hit the wall behind me.

Ansh's eyes widened even further, and Riansh and Pakhi looked at each other in disbelief.

"But then what happened, Bhabhimaa?" Pakhi asked eagerly, caught up in the excitement of the tale.

"Well, I... umm... I tried to defend myself, you know," I continued, getting into character. "So, I held up my arm like this," I held my arm out, pretending to fend off an imaginary chudail. "And then, she lunged at me like this," I lunged forward suddenly, causing the kids to jump in surprise.

"And that's when she got me!" I exclaimed dramatically, pointing to the red mark on my neck. "Right here! She bit me!"

[Veer became chudail😭😭🤣🤣]

Veer's unexpected reaction caught everyone off guard. As I finished my exaggerated explanation of the chudail encounter, Veer, who had been sipping his coffee, suddenly spat it out in a burst of laughter, unintentionally spraying poor Hriday's face.

He quickly turned to glare at me, his expression a mix of surprise and amusement. His eyes seemed to say, "Are you serious?" I couldn't help but burst into a playful giggle, knowing I was the reason behind his unexpected reaction. I noticed Veer has burnt his mouth as well.

Caught in the middle of this comical exchange, Hriday wiped the coffee off his face, shooting Veer a mock-exasperated look and he went away from there leaving everyone with fits of laughter.


After the men had returned to their work, the women finished preparing lunch and gathered to enjoy their meal together. As they savored their food, Pakhi suddenly exclaimed, "Bhabhimaa, you know tomorrow is Veer Bhaiya's birthday!"

Akshu was taken aback at first, but then an idea sparked in her mind. She realized it was the perfect opportunity to express her feelings to her husband. Lost in her thoughts, Akshu was brought back to reality when Pakhi shook her gently.

"So, Bhabhimaa," Pakhi continued, "I was saying we should throw a grand surprise party for Bhaiyya." The other ladies eagerly joined in, discussing ideas for how to celebrate Veer's birthday in style.

As they brainstormed, Akshu couldn't shake off the idea of a special gift for Veer. She wanted something meaningful, something that would convey the depth of her emotions. That's when she remembered the gold chain she had seen in the jewelry shop, adorned with a sunshine locket.

To Akshu, the sunshine symbolized Veer, the light that had brightened her life in its darkest moments. She knew that gifting him this chain would be more than just a present—it would be a heartfelt confession of her love and gratitude.

Determined to make Veer's birthday unforgettable, Akshu secretly made plans to purchase the gold chain and arrange for the surprise party. With each detail carefully thought out, she couldn't wait to see the look of joy on Veer's face when he received both her gift and the celebration she had planned.


While the women were busy planning Veer's birthday surprise, Veer himself was restless. News had reached him of an attack on one of his godowns, a clear sign that someone was conspiring against him. In the dangerous world of the mafia, enemies lurked around every corner, making Veer's paranoia justified.

As Veer received the call from the unknown number, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that washed over him. "You got the news... Veeranshu Singhaniya," the deep, raspy voice on the other end taunted.

[Abeyy...kon hai tu???]

Veer's grip tightened around the phone as he demanded, "Who are you? Speak up!"

The voice chuckled menacingly before replying, "You will know soon enough. When I strip you of everything you hold dear. Your possessions, your empire, all of it will crumble."

Veer's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. "You think you can threaten me over the phone and get away with it? Show yourself, coward!"

But the voice on the other end remained elusive, refusing to reveal its identity. "Oh, I'll show myself soon enough. When I take what's rightfully mine," it sneered before abruptly ending the call.

Frustration boiled within Veer as he slammed the phone down, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge and retaliation. "Track that number," he ordered his men, his voice laced with determination.

As he delved into the depths of his underworld connections, Veer's rage burned like a wildfire, fueled by the audacity of his unseen enemy. Every potential adversary flashed through his mind, but none seemed to fit the bill entirely.

Hours passed in a haze of tension and uncertainty until Veer finally returned home, exhaustion weighing heavy on his shoulders. Despite the turmoil brewing within him, he forced himself to push aside his worries and immerse himself in the warmth of his family's presence.

But even amidst the comfort of his loved ones, Veer couldn't shake off the lingering sense of unease. The threat looming over him hung like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over his momentary respite. As he nestled into the embrace of his family, Veer vowed to stop at nothing to protect them from the dangers that lurked in the shadows of his mafia world.


In the moonlit glow filtering through the window, a man stood tall, draped in a flowing black overcoat that seemed to absorb the darkness around him. With a glass of alcohol in hand, he surveyed the cityscape below, his eyes glinting with a malevolent gleam.

As he took a sip of his drink, a smirk twisted his lips, betraying the sinister thoughts swirling in his mind. "Veeranshu Singhaniya," he muttered to himself, his voice low and dangerous. "You're not as safe as you think you are."

[Tu mere veer ko janta nahi hai🥱🥱]

He chuckled darkly, taking another sip of his drink. "I've got some plans for you, something that'll make you regret ever."

Turning away from the window, he continued to sip his drink, his mind filled with thoughts of revenge against Veer. The man in the black coat swiftly dialed a number and brought the phone to his ear. "Get ready," he commanded his henchman, his voice dripping with malice. "It's time to execute our revenge plan against Veer."

[Kya hone wala hai??]

FInally chapter aagya💃🏻💃🏻

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Okay byee.

Love Authorshyra❤️

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