35. Separation Part-1


For five days now, Veer has been tirelessly searching for Akshu. He's desperate to find her because Vidyut's men found out that he knows where she is. So, they keep moving her from one island to another to keep her away from Veer. Vidyut's obsession with Akshu is growing stronger by the day. The hunger and desire in his eyes can be seen, whenever he looks at her.

Veer is feeling frustrated because every attempt he makes to save Akshu ends in failure. But he refuses to give up. He's doing everything in his power to find her. As days stretched into weeks, Akshu's isolation grew more profound. Each passing moment without Veer felt like an eternity. The only company she had were the shadows of Vidyut's menacing men, their eyes filled with hunger, not just for power, but for her.

Her longing for Veer intensified with each sunrise she couldn't witness, each sunset she couldn't share with him. The walls of her confinement seemed to close in on her, suffocating her spirit. But still, she clung to the flicker of hope that Veer would find her, that their love would conquer all.

The conditions imposed upon her by Vidyut's men became more unbearable by the day. They demanded her compliance, threatened her with starvation, but Akshu remained resolute .As a result, she's becoming weaker and weaker. She's lost weight and her immune system is struggling. She refused to yield, knowing that to give in would be to betray not just herself, but the love she shared with Veer.

In the darkness of her captivity, Akshu's mind wandered to memories of Veer - his smile, his touch, the warmth of his embrace. It was these memories that sustained her, that gave her the strength to endure the trials she faced.


Akshu was sleeping fitfully on the cold, hard floor of the dimly lit room when she heard it—a small, familiar whisper that seemed to cut through the heavy silence like a ray of light piercing through the darkness. Her eyes, hazy from sleep, struggled to adjust to the dimness around her. But as the contours of the room slowly became familiar, she saw him—Veer, standing there with a smile on his face, his presence like a beacon of hope in the desolate expanse of her captivity.

[Veer aagaya😭😭🫂 Finally tumhari author ne kuch toh bola itne der chup reh ke. Fuu]

Without a moment's hesitation, Akshu's heart leapt with joy, her exhaustion forgotten as she scrambled to her feet, her eyes never leaving Veer's beloved face. With a cry of pure longing, she ran towards him, her arms outstretched, reaching for him as if he was the only source that can keep her sane.

Akshu's POV:

In that embrace, time seemed to stand still. Veer's arms around me were a sanctuary, a refuge from the torment of my captivity. I buried my face against his chest, seeking solace in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a melody that echoed the ache in my own soul.

"Veer," I whispered, my voice barely a breath, my words carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken fears and longing. "I've missed you so much. The days without you... they felt like an eternity."

His response was a gentle caress against my hair, his touch a balm to the raw edges of my heart. "I know, Akshu," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "I've missed you too, more than words can say. Every moment apart from you has been a torment, a relentless ache that refuses to fade."

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I lifted my gaze to meet his, my vision blurred by the shimmering veil of unshed emotion. "I thought I'd lost you," I confessed, my voice trembling with the weight of my admission. "I thought I'd never see you again."

But Veer's eyes held mine with a fierce intensity, a silent promise that shattered the walls of doubt and despair that had threatened to consume me. "You'll never lose me, Akshu," he vowed, his words a lifeline in the vast expanse of darkness that surrounded us. "I'll always find my way back to you, no matter what."

In that moment, as we stood there locked in each other's embrace, the world outside faded into insignificance. There was only him and me. "Akshu", he whispered and I looked upon and met his gaze. The gaze which held promise, that he will burn the world for me. I hummed in response.

He leaned in for a tender kiss. My eyes not leaving his, and as our lips drew closer, the anticipation electrified the air, igniting a fire within me that blazed with the intensity of a thousand suns. Veer's gaze burned into mine, his presence overwhelming in its intensity, until it felt as though we were the only two people in the universe.

But then, just as our lips were about to meet in a tender kiss, a shadow seemed to flicker across Veer's form, his figure before me wavered, distorted like a mirage in the desert, until all that was left was emptiness. It was just a cruel trick of my mind, a desperate hallucination born out of longing and desperation.


I stumbled backwards, my heart shattering into a million tiny fragments as the truth hit me like a brick. Veer was still out there, fighting to reach me, but he hadn't made it yet. I was still trapped in this nightmare, alone and vulnerable, with no end in sight.

Tears streamed down my face, hot and bitter against my cheeks, as I struggled to come to terms with the harsh reality of my situation. How could I have been so foolish, to let myself believe even for a moment that Veer was truly here with me? The pain of his absence felt like a physical weight, crushing me beneath its relentless pressure.

I sank to the floor, the cold hardness beneath me a stark reminder of the bleakness of my existence. How much longer would I have to wait for Veer to find me? How much more suffering would I have to endure before we could be together again?

The questions swirled around in my mind, a whirlwind of doubt and fear that threatened to engulf me entirely. But amidst the chaos, one thing remained constant—the unwavering belief in Veer's love, the steadfast conviction that he would never give up on me, no matter the obstacles that stood in his way.

And so, with a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, I vowed to hold on a little while longer, to cling to the hope that one day soon, Veer would come for me, and we would finally be together again. Until then, I would endure, drawing strength from the memory of his love and the promise of our reunion.


Veer had changed, becoming colder and more ruthless than ever before. The absence of Akshu had stripped away his humanity, leaving behind only a shell of the man he used to be. He no longer cared about anything or anyone, except for finding those responsible for taking his beloved from him.

These days, Veer avoided the mansion like the plague. Every corner held memories of Akshu—her laughter echoing through the halls, her presence felt in the kitchen as she cooked, her image etched into the garden lawn where they had spent countless hours together. Even their room, where he would watch her detangle her hair, served as a painful reminder of what he had lost.

Now, Veer sat on his throne-like chair, a mahogany table before him. In his hands, he held a revolver, twirling it effortlessly as if it were nothing more than a child's toy. The men standing before him could feel the weight of his gaze, knowing that their lives hung in the balance.

"Sir," one of them stammered, his voice barely a whisper. They knew that the man before them was capable of anything, his eyes devoid of mercy or remorse.

Veer's voice cut through the silence like a blade, his words dripping with venom. "My men informed that you three refuse to answer their questions," he said, his tone ice cold. "That's why I'm here—to remind you of my presence."

The spies exchanged nervous glances, their hearts pounding in their chests. They had been caught red-handed, spying on Veer and his family from outside the mansion walls. But still, they remained silent, refusing to reveal who had sent them.

Veer's lips curled into a cruel smile as he leaned forward, his eyes locking onto theirs with a chilling intensity. "You have two choices," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "You can either tell me what I want to know, or you can suffer the consequences."

Fear gripped the spies' hearts as they realized the gravity of their situation. They knew that Veer was not a man to be trifled with, that he was capable of delivering punishment far worse than death itself. And in that moment, they knew that they had no choice but to obey his commands, no matter the cost.

"Seems like you all are smart. Good for you.", Veer got up from his seat and started walking in circles around them. He took his time, instilling more fear in the men. They were shivering because of the coldness radiating from Veer's body language.

Veer, "Who sent you here?" this alerted them. They eyed each other and the middle one spoke, "We don't know the name, but he is very influential man. He is also a part of mafia."

Veer again worked his brains, joining the dismantled puzzle pieces. Enemy-influential-mafia-kidnapping-Akshu- something is still missing. Veer is thinking, when some movements caught his eye. He saw the last man, doing something in his pockets. Veer's had snapped in his direction and he blew a punch on that man's face, making him groan in pain.

"You- fucker trying to act smart with Veeranshu Singhaniya", veer was throwing punches after punches in aggression that the man was almost going to faint, but they stopped him by pulling him back. Veer brushed of his shirt and asked yelling, "Who were you calling? Guards check his pockets.", the man didn't say anything and this build anger in veer. He kicked that man on the stomach.

"Sir...his phone has 10 unread messages form some X boss", the guard said after checking the man's pocket. Veer signed the guard to unlock the phone and check. The guard thoroughly checked the messages, while veer was standing and waiting for any positive answers.

"Sir, it's written....", the guard handed the phone and reading the messages, Veer's blood boiled. The hold on the phone tightened and any minutes it can break in two.

Veer's insides burn with pure hatred after learning that who was the man behind his wife's abduction. Veer took a last glance at three of them and shoot them in the middle of their heads.

He walked away throwing the revolver.

He dialled a number, after few rings the man on the other side answered, "Hello"

Veer closed his eyes for a second, and Akshu's smiling image came in front of his eyes making him calm. Few seconds later Veer opened his eyes and said in a demanding tone , "Track the number of that Fucker Vidyut, I want his information where he is in this half an hour. With that Veer hanged the phone call.

"I'm coming to you Akshu", Veer said in a determinant tone, which showed his sincerity.


Akshu was sitting in the corner of the room, lost in her thoughts when she heard the door creaked open. She glanced and saw Vidyut entering inside. Akshu paid no heed, because she was habitual to his demands and asking to agree for marriage. And she would only deny.

Vidyut came inside and saw akshu sitting, now he wanted to do more than just staring her. He approached Akshu, and saw her shifting more towards the corner.

His evil smile grew wide, seeing the fear in her. "Hello, Rose", he said with so much dirty intentions, that made akshu's insides churn with disgust and she would puke on his dirty mouth.

"What do you want, Mr. My answer is already NO. Don't waste your time and let me just go.", Akshu said in a hard tone. Vidyut's Ego got hurt after several rejections , so he wanted to try the dirty way.

He pulled Akshu with him and threw her on the bed like a rag doll. Akshu eyes widen with fear, her face color turned two shades pale. She looked at him with horror. "What-what are you trying to do?Help-Help!!!", she yelled and Vidyut came near her saying, "What I should have done long time ago. Because a bitch like you doesn't understand the nice language. There is no use of shouting, no one's gonna hear you baby."

He pushed akshu further making her sink more in the bed. "No No please don't", tears were flowing from her eyes. She tried to run, but he caught hold of her by wrist. He backhanded her, which made akshu stumbled on the bed again, she was feeling more helpless and humiliated.

He was going to kiss her, when something clicked in her mind and she quickly lifted her right leg and gave a kick on his balls, where the sun will never rise again. He stumbled backward holding his groin pain clearly evident on his face.

[Veer be like: That's my girl 😌💋]

Akshu quickly got up from her place and made a run towards the door. She went outside to escape, but Vidyut's men already catched her and again threw back in the room.

Akshu was sad that she couldn't do anything, but she was happy that she save herself from that Monster's dirty claws. She went back to the memory lane how she know about this self defence technique.


Akshu was sitting in her room, waiting for Veeransh, when she heard some faint knocks on her door. She saw Riansh, Hriday and Pakhi standing there with smile on their faces.

"Bacchas, come inside.", Akshu made space for them to enter side and after entering everyone went towards the couch.

Akshu saw their faces and something was working in their minds she thought, "Kya hua Ansh?", she asked being concerned.

"Bhabhimaa, actually we wanted to do something.", ansh said but Akshu was still confused.

"Bhaiya, don't beat around the bush. Actually, bhabhimaa bhaiyya wanted to teach you some self defence techniques like he taught everyone our home.", this cleared the confusion and she understood the depth of the situation.

[Haaye, Riansh jaisa pati ya devar kuch toh dedo😭😭🛐]

"But I don't know if I can learn quickly.", akshu said being under confident. But hriday and other boosted her morale and Riansh started teaching her.

And after teaching a lot of different techniques and Akshu understanding it easily and learning it. Riansh taught the last and important one, "Bhabhimaa, if situation is like that your hands are locked by the enemy, you don't have to think you are helpless, just lift your right leg like this", ansh demonstrated this with hriday ," and give a kick in his middle, so that the bastards would never ever think of touching anyone in his life."

[Hriday, ko dekho pehle warna kabhi chacha nhi ban payega tu Rian]

"Aree maine lightly maara hai , hriday. Chill kr", Ansh said and made hriday sir down.

Akshu's eyes filled with gratitude seeing their love and care for her. Riansh went towards Akshu and said, "Bhabhimaa, remember that YOU are not HELPLESS, but you're STRONGER THAN YOU THINK. Never let the worst situation overcome your fear."


Akshu's eyes teared up and she couldn't express her gratitude. Veer and his family were a blessing for her. She murmured a Thankyou and sleep took over her.


Vidyut was sitting on his bed with the ice pack in his hand, when his men approached, "Boss we have tighten the security outside her room. Now, what we will do with her."

Vidyut had a evil smile, "Ready the mandap, we will be getting married tomorrow. Now she will be mine completely."

[Harami ek aur laat padegi]

Fuu🤧 such a long CHP guys🔪

I hope you all are doing very well.

How was this CHP? These emotional chapters are making me cry. Their separation and pain I couldn't handle.🤧

I love you all for all the support and love. This book will be ending soon 🥺

Vote target: 1000+ Comments: 60

Till then take care and don't forget to vote share and comment. ❤️😏

Okay bye

Love Authorshyra ❤️

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