37. Tainted


Akshu slowly regained consciousness after four hours. As she opened her eyes, a pounding headache greeted her. She squinted in the dim light of her room, trying to adjust. The first thing she saw was her husband, Veer, who had fallen asleep holding her hand. His head was resting on her bed.

Tears filled her eyes as she realized that Veer had finally rescued her. She glanced at their intertwined hands, feeling a mixture of relief and love. But suddenly, the terrible memories of her abduction flooded her mind, and she quickly pulled her hand away.

Veer woke up with a start at her sudden movement. His eyes were swollen and tear-stained, his face pale, and his hair disheveled. He had been through his own agony while she was missing. When he saw Akshu looking at him, he quickly moved towards her, wanting to hug her and comfort her. But he stopped in shock when she held up her hand to stop him.

"Akshu...," Veer began, his voice full of emotion, but Akshu interrupted him. "Veer... don't come near me," she said, her voice breaking his heart.

Veer felt a sharp pain in his chest at her words. He had been so worried about her, and now she was pushing him away. But inside, Akshu was also breaking. She longed for his touch and his comfort, but she felt she couldn't let him touch her because she believed her body was tainted by what had happened to her.

Before Veer could say further, all the family members began to arrive, their faces etched with worry and relief, but she couldn't face them. She turned away, unable to speak, her heart heavy with the burden of her trauma. Her in laws were the first to enter. Her mother in law, with tears in her eyes, approached slowly. "Akshu, my dear, you're safe now," she whispered, gently touching her shoulder. Akshu flinched at the touch, pulling the blanket tighter around her. She didn't want to talk. She didn't want to see anyone. She wanted to be alone, away from the concerned eyes and questions.

Her father in law stood silently by the door, his face a mask of pain. He didn't know what to say or how to comfort his daughter. He just wanted her to know he was there for her. Hriday and Pakhi were next. Hriday tried to lighten the mood. "Bhabhimaa, we brought you your favorite chocolates," he said, placing a box on the bedside table. Pakhi chimed in, "And some flowers from your garden. We thought they might brighten your room."

But Akshu didn't respond. She kept her eyes closed, wishing they would all just go away. The flowers and chocolates felt like a mockery of her current state.

Riansh, entered inside. His face was etched with worry and sadness, but he covered it up with a fake smile."We miss your smile, Bhabhimaa," Riansh said gently. "We need you back with us." Pakhi added, "We know it's hard, but we're all here for you. We'll get through this together."

Akshu felt suffocated by their presence. She wanted to scream, to tell them to leave her alone, but she couldn't find the words. She curled up into a ball, pulling the blanket over her head.


Days passed, and the doctors decided it was time for Akshu to go home. Veer arranged everything for her transfer, his heart breaking a little more each time he saw her withdrawn and silent. As they arrived home, the family had prepared a welcome for her, hoping to lift her spirits. The house was decorated with flowers and balloons, and a delicious meal was waiting for her.

All the members were holding the welcome sign boards in each of their hands. Veer and Akshu were standing at the entrance door. Akshu was welcomed with Aarti and then both of them entered inside, when everybody started singing in chorus and dancing around her.

Play the above song now.

Aye dil laaya hai bahaar,apno ka pyar, kya kehna.

mile hum chhalak uthha, khushi ka kumar, kya kehna.

khile khile chehron se aaj,ghar hai mera

gule gulzaar (×2) kya kehna

Meera and sulochana sang the lyrics while the cousins and the men were dancing in circle around Akshu. Akshu felt so overwhelmed with this and she ran away, in her room. Locking herself inside.

[2 days later]

Akshu was lying on her bed, her heart breaking as she thought about how much her family was suffering because of her. She felt a deep sense of guilt and shame, unable to face them. She heard a knock on the door and quickly wiped her tears before opening it. Standing there was her mother-in-law, Meera, holding a plate of food.

Akshu silently went back inside and sat on her bed, watching as Meera entered and sat a little distance away from her. Meera held a morsel of food near Akshu's mouth, her eyes filled with concern and love. "Come on, baccha, just a little bit? For me?" she pleaded gently.

Akshu shook her head, her lips pressed tightly together. "No, Maa, I don't feel like eating," she said, turning away from her.

Meera sighed softly and placed the tray on the side table. She then took a comb and some oil from the dressing table, trying to offer some comfort in a different way. "Let me make you look pretty, Akshu," she said with a soft smile.

But Akshu pulled away, her eyes filling with tears. "No, Maa, please, just leave me alone," she whispered, her voice breaking.

Veer stood outside the door, watching helplessly. His heart ached seeing Akshu in such pain, isolating herself from everyone, even though none of this was her fault. He felt like he had failed as a husband, unable to protect her from the trauma. But he wouldn't give up. He knew he had to confront her now, to try and break through the walls she had built around herself.

Meera came out of the room, her own eyes filled with tears. She saw Veer standing there and immediately hugged him, her body shaking with sobs. Veer's eyes brimmed with tears as well, feeling the weight of his mother's sorrow.

"Veer, please bring back my daughter. I can't see her like this," Meera sobbed, her voice filled with desperation.

Veer whispered lowly, trying to keep his voice steady, "Maa, I will bring my Akshu back. Don't worry."

Veer took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he needed to do. He gently released his mother from the hug and walked back into Akshu's room. She was still sitting on the bed, her back to him. He sat down beside her, his heart pounding.

Veer's Pov:

I saw her, sitting on the bed. Her gaze was fixed on the ceiling fan, staring at it blankly. She didn't even notice me as I sat beside her. When I gently touched her shoulder, she flinched, as if my touch burned her. This broke my heart into pieces. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my voice and my emotions. I looked into her eyes, seeing the pain and anguish there.

"Akshu, please talk to me," I pleaded, my voice breaking with the weight of my sorrow. "I can't stand seeing you in so much pain."

Akshu finally looked at me, tears streaming down her face. Her eyes, usually so full of life, were now hollow and haunted. "I can't, Veer. I feel so dirty, so tainted. I don't deserve your love."

How can she think like this? Her soul is the purest form of humanity I have ever witnessed. I felt a surge of anger and sadness at her words. "Akshu, you are not dirty. You are not broken. None of this is your fault," I said firmly, my voice trembling with emotion.

She suddenly got up and pulled away from me harshly. Her eyes were bloodshot red from crying for so long. "How am I not? I have been raped, Veer. My body is TAINTED. You can't mend something that's broken," she yelled, clutching her heart as she sobbed uncontrollably. She didn't know the truth yet, and I couldn't turn a blind eye to this. She had every right to know.

Desperation and frustration surged within me. I grabbed her arms and, raising my voice, yelled, "You were never raped! It was period blood. The doctors informed me that you have a low immune system and lost so much blood because of it when you were unconscious inside."

Akshu's eyes widened in shock. "What?" she whispered, her voice shaking. "But Vidyut said..."

"Vidyut lied," I interrupted, my voice filled with anger. "He manipulated you...."

I continued, my voice softer but still intense with emotion. "And even if it were true, I don't care, dammit! I love my Akshu. I have loved her pure soul. You are my wife, my love, my everything. Nothing can change that. You are not tainted. You are the same Akshu I fell in love with, the same Akshu I married. And I will love you forever, no matter what."

My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for her to respond. The pain in her eyes began to shift, replaced by a mixture of relief and confusion. I could see her walls starting to crumble, the barriers she had built to protect herself from further pain.

"Veer..." she whispered, her voice trembling. The tears continued to flow, but there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes now.

I pulled her into my arms, holding her tightly, as if I could shield her from all the pain and sorrow. "I love you, Akshu," I whispered into her hair. "We will get through this together. I promise."

[Veeru stawwpp raising my standards😭😭❤️🤌🏻]

Akshu's Pov:

Hearing the truth from Veer's mouth, I was in disbelief. How easily I had been manipulated by Vidyut's words, how completely I had succumbed to my own fears. How could I not have known? I looked up and stared into Veer's beautiful eyes, seeing only concern and love reflected there. In an instant, I was in his arms, the place I had longed to be. His touch, his presence, was something I had craved for so long.

"Veer, thank you for saving me," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. He slowly caressed my head, his touch gentle and reassuring, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. His words were like a balm, soothing my shattered heart and easing my fears.

We stood there for what felt like hours, wrapped in each other's embrace. When we finally pulled away, our faces were so close, our breaths mingling. We kept looking into each other's eyes, then at each other's lips. The room was filled with a profound silence, broken only by our breathing. I closed my eyes, and then I felt his lips on mine. We didn't move at first, just savoring the sense of connection. Slowly, our lips began to move in a rhythmic motion, sharing our pain, our longing, our hopes, and the deep love we held for each other. This time, when I opened my eyes, it wasn't a mirage but I saw my reality, Veer. He was the reality of My story.

He pulled away from the kiss, cupping my face in his hands. "I have missed you so much, Akshu. Please come back to your Veeransh. I love you," he said, and then gently kissed my forehead.

"Veeransh, I have missed you too," I replied, my voice filled with emotion. I wouldn't hide my feelings from him anymore.

With that, he pulled me into another hug, and we stood there, solely invested in each other's company. A small smile appeared on my lips, and I mentally thanked Kanhaji. "Kanhaji, I have finally met my HOME, my PEACE, the reason for my SANITY. Thank you for giving me Veeransh as a gift in this life. Without him, I would have been lost long ago."

[Finally Akshu you realised😭❤️💃🏻]

In Veer's arms, I felt a sense of safety and warmth that I hadn't felt in what seemed like forever. His embrace was my sanctuary, his love my strength. I allowed myself to relax, to let go of the fears and doubts that had plagued me. For the first time in a long while, I felt a glimmer of hope and the promise of healing. Veer was my rock, my protector, and with him, I knew I could face anything.

[Ab aur dukh nhi guys😭💃🏻💃🏻]

Finally the most awaited Chapter is here guys. Yeah their heartbreak and sad period is gone. Now all the happy, cute and hot moments are on the way😌🤌🏻

Also, dear readers I have already edited the whole book of FYT. There has been scenes added, some deleted. So if you feel like reading then do try, because if you do not then it's your loss. Because you'll miss out on so many things.

Feeling sleepy. Comment and vote.

Okay bye.

Love Authorshyra.❤️

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