44. Memorable Night

Akshu' POV:

"Ummm... Veeransh," I giggled softly, feeling his warmth enveloping me as his arms tightened around my waist. His face nuzzled into the crook of my neck, and I squirmed under the ticklish sensation of his beard brushing against my skin. The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a golden glow on our bed, but I was far from ready to leave its comfort—well, not with him holding me captive like this.

"Veer," I mumbled again, my voice a mix of laughter and exasperation. His deep chuckle vibrated against my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine. He was in one of those moods—playful, teasing, and absolutely relentless. His lips skimmed my neck, the rough scruff of his beard causing me to wriggle even more. "Stop, it tickles!" I squealed, trying to push him off, but his hold only grew firmer.

I craned my neck to look at him, finding his eyes twinkling mischievously, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. That smug face of his. I shot him a stern glare, my best attempt at looking serious, though the smile tugging at my own lips made it hard. "Veer," I repeated, my tone firmer this time.

He loosened his hold reluctantly, sighing dramatically as if I'd broken his heart. His lips formed an exaggerated pout, his brows furrowed in mock disappointment. That pout was his secret weapon, and he knew it.

I couldn't help but grin at his antics, leaning down to give him a quick, playful peck on those irresistible lips. "There," I whispered, brushing my fingers across his cheek. "Happy now?"

Before he could trap me again, I quickly slipped out of bed, feeling the cool floor beneath my feet as I made my way toward the vanity. My fingers trailed over the polished wood as I sat down, glancing at Veer through the mirror. He was still pouting like a sulking child, his tousled hair and rumpled sheets making him look completely out of place from the powerful businessman persona he carried outside.

I let out a small chuckle, grabbing the comb and running it through my hair. As I got dressed, I could still feel his eyes on me, that familiar mix of admiration and teasing in his gaze. This man. He had a way of making the simplest moments feel like something more, and even though I'd only left the bed, I already missed the warmth of his embrace.

I watched him toss the sheets aside as he strolled towards the bathroom, his broad shoulders disappearing behind the door. The room was now quiet, the lingering warmth of his presence still wrapping around me. I turned back to the mirror, focusing on my makeup and hair, smoothing out every stray lock until I was satisfied. Just as I finished, the sound of footsteps caught my attention, and I glanced toward the walk-in closet.

Veer emerged, looking as effortlessly handsome as ever, wearing a crisp white dress shirt that contrasted perfectly with his black tailored pants. My eyes trailed down, noticing something small in his hand. A box. He walked toward me with that signature smile tugging at his lips, the one that always made my heart skip a beat.

"Veeransh, what's this?" I asked curiously as he handed me the box, his expression full of unspoken mischief. He didn't say a word, just motioned for me to open it, his smirk deepening. With a quick flick of my fingers, I opened the lid, and the sight that greeted me made my breath catch.

"Oh, My Kanhaji!" My heart fluttered as I stared at the stunning red glass bangles nestled inside. They were a vibrant, glossy red, with thick designer bangles set in between, their intricate patterns sparkling under the light. They were simply beautiful, almost too beautiful to be real.

I quickly turned my gaze to him, feeling a rush of emotion. "Veeransh, how did you know I like bangles so much?" I asked, my voice soft, almost in disbelief. He gave me that all-knowing smirk, his eyes glinting with playful affection.

"I just know that, sweetheart," he replied smoothly, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

My heart warmed, and I couldn't help but smile at him. "Veer, can you help me wear these?" I asked, fiddling with the bangles in my lap. His response was immediate, a nod that seemed almost tender, as he reached for my hands.

With careful precision, Veer slowly removed my old bangles, his fingers brushing against my skin with a gentleness that made my pulse quicken. His touch was so delicate, as if he feared I might break under the slightest pressure. It was moments like these, in the quiet intimacy of our shared space, that made me realize just how deeply he cared.

Once my wrists were bare, he began sliding the new bangles onto each hand, one by one. The cool glass clinked softly as it met my skin, and I couldn't take my eyes off the way his strong hands moved so gracefully. He was usually so confident, so in control, but right now, he was utterly focused on something as simple as adorning me with these bangles.

"See, it looks so beautiful on my hands. Thankyou, Veeransh.", I squealed in happiness, holding up my wrists and admiring the way the red bangles shone. 

The sound of the bangles clinking together filled the room, a sweet, melodic sound that resonated in the air. I moved my hands, making the glass sing, the joy bubbling up inside me.

But then, his voice cut through the moment, low and teasing, "It will look more good, when the sounds of the bangles breaking will be heard in the entire bedroom."

[Veer winning the trend: ✨Mai gira hua banda jama neech baliye...✨]

I froze, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. My heart skipped a beat at the insinuation in his words, and I shot him a wide-eyed look. His teasing smirk was back, his gaze holding mine with a playful intensity.

"Veer!" I tried to sound outraged, but my voice wavered, caught somewhere between shock and amusement.

He chuckled, leaning in closer. "I was just teasing you, love. Don't worry." His arms wrapped around me, pulling me into an assuring hug, his warmth seeping into me. I let myself relax into his embrace, feeling the steady beat of his heart against mine, the safe, familiar rhythm that I'd grown to love so much.

But then, just as I was about to lose myself in the moment, the shrill ring of his phone broke through the peace. I felt him pull away, reaching for the phone on the dresser. With a quick glance at the screen, he gave me an apologetic look before excusing himself, his footsteps fading as he stepped out of the room to take the call.

As Veer stepped out of the room, the soft clinking of the bangles still echoed in the air. I absentmindedly moved my wrists, watching the red glass shimmer in the light, but my thoughts began to drift. His teasing words played over in my mind—the sound of these bangles breaking—and though his tone had been playful, it made me pause.

I thought about Veer, the man he had been from the start, and how he had always respected my boundaries. Even when we got married, he hadn't pushed me into anything. He never forced himself on me, never tried to rush things. He had been patient. Gentle.

My mind wandered back to our wedding night, a night I had been so nervous about. I remembered how, despite the vows and the ceremony, despite everything, he hadn't expected anything from me. Instead of demanding or forcing, he had simply held me, offering comfort in silence. His presence had been a shield, protecting me even when I didn't realize I needed it.

I smiled softly, thinking about all the little things he'd done since then. He always found ways to make me feel special—whether it was the way he listened when I spoke, the soft kisses on my forehead, or how he gave me space when I needed it. He teased me, sure, but beneath that teasing was care, a kind of quiet love that I had come to treasure.

And now... now things were different. I had finally admitted it out loud—I loved him. Every bit of him. The teasing, the tenderness, the way he looked at me like I was his entire world. I loved him more than I ever thought I could love anyone. And as I sat there, alone with my thoughts, I realized maybe it was time. Time for me to take a step forward in this marriage. I had been holding back for so long, unsure, maybe even a little scared of what it all meant. But now...

I felt ready.

The idea of letting him in, of truly being his, didn't scare me anymore. In fact, it excited me. My heart thudded a little harder in my chest at the thought. Veer had never said it out loud, but I could feel it in the way he looked at me, the way his hands lingered on mine, always so careful. He had been waiting for me, and maybe now, I was ready to meet him halfway.

A soft blush crept onto my cheeks as I imagined what that meant, what it would feel like to close that distance, to give myself to him completely.

"Maybe it's time," I whispered to myself, my voice barely audible over the sound of the bangles chiming together as I clasped my hands. "I think... I think I'm ready."

I felt a warmth spread through me at the thought. Veer had always been there, patient, never pressuring me. I knew he would never rush me into anything. But maybe it was time I let him know that I was ready. That I wanted to be with him in every way. I stood up, glancing at myself in the mirror, the bangles glinting on my wrists.



I tossed my laptop bag onto the couch and let out a long, tired sigh. Mafia work and running the empire had drained every ounce of energy from me today. My muscles ached from tension, and all I wanted was to collapse in bed. As I drank some water, I noticed the dimmed lights throughout the mansion. Everyone must have gone to bed early.

Climbing the stairs, I felt the weight of the day settling on my shoulders, but something was different tonight. There was a strange sense of quiet, almost as if the air was waiting for something. I pushed open the door to our bedroom, already planning to fall face-first into the bed, but the sight that greeted me stopped me dead in my tracks.

My mouth fell open as my eyes took in the scene before me. The bed was covered with a delicate layer of rose petals, their soft scent mingling with the gentle fragrance of aromatic candles flickering in each corner of the room. The dim light cast a warm, inviting glow over everything, making the entire space feel surreal, almost magical. It was like something out of a dream.

But where was Akshu?

I glanced around, confusion swirling in my mind. Just as I reached for the switch to turn on the lights, a soft, warm hand pressed against my chest. My heart skipped a beat, and I turned around slowly, my breath catching in my throat.

There she was.

Akshu, my wife, stood before me, dressed in her wedding lehenga—the very same one she had worn the day we said our vows. She looked breathtaking, more beautiful than I remembered, the vibrant colors of the lehenga glowing under the dim light, her delicate features illuminated by the flickering candlelight. She gazed up at me with a soft, loving smile that made my heart thud harder against my ribs.

"Akshu..." I whispered, my voice barely audible. My mind raced, trying to understand what was happening, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. She looked like a vision—fragile, ethereal, and yet, there was something different in her eyes tonight. Something deeper.

Before I could say anything more, she reached for my hand and gently tugged me toward the bed. Her touch was tender, but her eyes... they held a quiet strength, a resolve that sent a jolt of warmth through me. I followed her, unable to do anything else.

When we stood by the bed, she turned to face me fully, her hands still holding mine. For a moment, we just stood there in silence, the only sounds in the room being the soft crackling of the candles and the faint rustling of the rose petals beneath our feet. My heart raced, and I could feel the tension in the air between us—thick, electric.

"Veer," she began, her voice soft but steady. "I've been thinking... about us. About our marriage. And... I've realized something."

I stared at her, waiting, my pulse pounding in my ears. My throat felt dry, and I swallowed hard, trying to calm the rush of emotions swirling inside me. I knew whatever she was about to say was important, monumental even.

Her grip tightened on my hands as she took a deep breath. "You've always been so patient with me. You've given me time, space... and you've never forced me into anything. You've shown me love in ways I never thought I'd experience." Her voice faltered slightly, but then she looked up at me, her eyes shining with emotion. "But now... I'm ready."

My breath hitched. "Akshu..." I whispered, my voice hoarse, filled with hope and disbelief.

She smiled, a shy but determined smile, and continued. "I'm ready to take our marriage to the next step. I want to be... completely yours, Veer. Not just in words, but in every way. I love you, and I want to share everything with you. My heart, my soul... my body."

Her words sent a wave of warmth crashing over me, a mix of shock, joy, and something deeper—something primal. I felt my chest tighten, my throat constricting as her words sank in. She was ready. She wanted this. She wanted us.

For a moment, I couldn't speak. I was overwhelmed by the emotions flooding through me. All the times I had held back, waited, let her take her time—every hesitation I'd had melted away in the face of her vulnerability, her trust. I had never wanted to rush her, never wanted to push her into anything she wasn't ready for. But now, she was standing here, telling me she was ready to be mine—completely.

"Akshu..." I whispered again, my voice barely steady. I reached up, cupping her face in my hands, my thumbs gently brushing her cheeks. "Are you sure?" My voice trembled slightly, and I hated how desperate I sounded, but I needed to hear it from her again. I needed to know she was certain.

She nodded, her eyes never leaving mine. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life, Veer." Her voice was soft but filled with conviction. "I want to be with you... in every way."

My heart swelled, a deep ache blooming in my chest. I couldn't believe this was happening. I had dreamed of this moment, but hearing her say it—seeing the love in her eyes, the trust she placed in me—it was almost too much to bear. I pulled her close, wrapping my arms around her tightly, burying my face in her hair. Her scent, her warmth, everything about her made me feel like I was home.

"I love you, Akshu," I whispered into her hair, my voice thick with emotion. "I've always loved you. And I'll wait for you as long as you need. But... hearing you say this... I can't even put into words what it means to me."

She pulled back slightly, her hands resting on my chest as she smiled up at me. "Then don't say anything, Veer... just show me."

Her words hung in the air between us, heavy with promise, and I knew in that moment that this was it. This was the turning point for us. Our marriage had always been more than just a bond—it had been a journey. And now, we were stepping into a new chapter, one that we would write together.

Without another word, I leaned in, capturing her lips with mine, feeling her melt into me. Her kiss was soft, sweet, and yet it held a passion that ignited something deep inside me. This was more than just love—it was our future, unfolding in that single moment.

"I've been waiting for this for so long... you have no idea," I whispered, my voice trembling with the weight of my emotions. I pressed my lips to hers once again, pouring everything I felt for her into that kiss. It was as if our whole world centered around this one moment. Our lips moved in sync, unhurried, savoring every second.

Slowly, I laid her down on the bed, careful to make sure she was comfortable. I could sense her nerves—her breaths were uneven, and her body trembled slightly beneath my touch. It was her first time. Mine too. The thought made me want to be as gentle and loving as I could, to make this moment as perfect for her as it was for me.

I hovered over her, brushing away the stray strands of hair that had fallen into her face, marveling at how beautiful she looked. Her wide eyes were locked on mine, searching, trusting.

Akshu's POV:

My heart raced as he leaned in, his warmth enveloping me. His lips were soft, comforting, yet the way he kissed me ignited something deep inside that I hadn't felt before. I was nervous, but at the same time, I trusted him with everything I had.

His kisses trailed from my lips down to my jaw, then lower to the curve of my neck. His touch was gentle, yet filled with intensity. I let out a shaky moan, the sensation completely foreign but exhilarating. His lips left a trail of warmth wherever they touched, and my body responded without thought.

"Veer..." I whispered, my voice barely audible as my hands found their way to his shoulders, pulling him closer. I could feel his breath against my skin, his lips lingering, as if savoring the feel of me. It made my heart race even more.

He paused for a moment, his eyes searching mine again, as if silently asking for reassurance. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice laced with concern.

I nodded, biting my lip to suppress the nerves that still fluttered in my stomach. "I'm okay... I'm with you."

That seemed to calm him too. He smiled softly, and his hand moved to caress my cheek before trailing down to intertwine with mine. His touch was so gentle, so careful, as if I were the most delicate thing in the world to him.

Mature Content Ahead 🔞

Slowly, I felt the blouse on my shoulders being pulled down, veer's calloused hand rested on my back, the bra was still on. In a one swift motion, he unhooked the bra and pulled out from my hands completely. My cheeks turned into different shades of crimson. My upper body part, was bare in front of him. I saw his face, his eyes were filled with adoration and something more darker that I couldn't decipher.

I tried to cover my front with my hands but before I could he held them and looked in my eyes. “Are you uncomfortable?”, he asked cupping my cheeks, "I can never be with you", I said immediately. He started kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes feeling the warmth of his lips.

He then kissed my cheeks, nose ,lips and then slowly started showering wet kisses on my neck. "Akshu....", he whispered and I turned my head towards him, I saw his face etched with concern and fury but it was not for me. I watched where he was looking, I closed my eyes and sighed, it was the dirty scars, my relatives gave me for the lifetime.

[Bitch Relatives🔪🔪]

Tears welled up in my eyes and I avoid my gaze from him. I was ashamed of my body, I wasn't perfect for him. He slowly turned my face and gave a peck on my lips and whispered, "Duniya di sabto soni, meri Votti."
[My wife, is the most beautiful woman in the whole world.]

"Veer but this scars....", I hesitated a bit but he cut me off and said, "I will turn your scars into Beautiful memories with my love.",   His words were enough for me too feel good. I love him not only for his love and care, but because I see the better version of myself in his beautiful hazel brown orbs. The way they shine and reflects, every time he looks at me, it gives me a sense of Assurance and comfort that I'm the most perfect woman in his eyes.

He started kissing every scar and a lone tear left from my eyes, not because I was insecure but because of his overwhelming love. “I love you Akshu.” He whispered near her ear. “I love you more Veer.” As soon as those words left from my mouth he cupped my left breast making my heart skip a beat.

He pressed my breast lightly and husked near my ears “you are so soft baby.” making me clench my thighs “Veer.” I spoke but it came more like a moan. “Yes baby? I’m listening to you only.” He said innocently and suddenly I felt a stingy pain on nipple. He twisted it with his thumb and index finger.

“Please” I don’t know what I’m pleasing for but my body is burning with this new sensation.

“Please what baby?”, He bit my earlobe.

“Dont play around the bushes you know what I want.” I said angrily getting frustrated with his torture.

“Desperate, are we?” Before I could reply he attached his lips to my right breast, one hand still playing with other nipple.

A moaned when I felt his tongue licking there. He pinched my nipple and a scream of pleasure erupted from my throat. He suddenly pulled out and the lose of contact made me cry out of frustration.

His fingers slowly trailed from my breast to my lower waistband, he slowly undid the knots of the lehenga still making the eye contact. His gaze held such power that I couldn't move out from my place. He was pulling down my lehenga, I don't know why I buckled up my hips, and that made him chuckle in amusement. "My cute Little Birdie." I blushed at his words. The lehenga was now on the floor. And I was now only in one piece of clothing - Lacy panty.

He came on top of me to kiss, but I stopped him midway. His face turned into confusion, "What happened baby??" I indicated from my eyes, that he was still dressed. He backed away and removed his tie, watch, cufflinks and his dress shirt. In all this process, I was feeling wet in my lower region. His abs were on clear display, and I'm so lucky to see it. 

His abs were looking so delicious at this moment. “You can have a taste if you want darling.” His comment made me embarrass even more. He smirked and pulled out his pants. He was now in his boxers. He walked towards me. I was not in my senses to reply him back. Unknowingly my hands made it way to his chest and stared tracing it downwards feeling every part of his skin on my finger.

“You know na whom you have woken up and now it’s your responsibility to take care of him.” Saying he hovered me again. I raised my eyebrow in confusion and soon realisation hit me what he is talking about, my eyes widen.


He cupped my breasts with his hands and his lips attacked on mine. This kiss was different, it hold urgency, desire, love and promise.

His hands started working on my breasts while his lips were exploring every corner of my mouth. My mind was was not able to focus on one thing. His hands started exploring every inch of my body, his touch burning every sensation in my body. "Veer...", I moaned against his mouth and intertwined my fingers in his hair locks. Veer started peppering kisses while moving down, still holding my gaze. When his lips reached near my waistband, a shudder ran through my spine. As if sensing my reaction, he gave a bite on that area, which made me moan again.

He licked it to soothe the pain. He looked in my eyes asking for permission and I took a breath and nodded. “Trust me.” He whispered with a peck on my navel making thousands of butterflies dance in my stomach. 

"I already trust you, Veer," I said, my voice trembling slightly as I gazed up at him. His eyes burned with intensity, his fingers tracing the edge of my panty. His fingers curled in, gently tugging at the fabric of my panty. I felt a shiver run down my spine as he touched me, his fingertips sending sparks through my body.

"Veer," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

"Shh, Akshuu," he whispered back, his breath hot against my skin. "Let me show you how much I care for you. Let me prove myself to you."

With that, he slid my panty down, his fingers grazing my skin as he did so. I felt exposed, vulnerable, but Veer's gentle touch put me at ease. His thumb started moving in circular motion making me feel butterflies. "It seems like my baby is not so innocent, look how wet you are ...", he said while touching my folds, Oh god it's so embarrassing.

I bit my lips hard to control the sounds but he pinched my clit hard making me moan loudly. “You cant bite what’s mine” he said in deep voice making my core throb even more. “Relax Akshu, don’t stress your muscles.”, he said making me relax a bit.

Slowly he leaned down and gave a kiss on my clit. The feeling is so euphoric. He rolled of his tongue on my silky fold. I felt him insert one more digit inside me, that made me scream hard, "Oh god". He paused for a bit and looked up and said, "No god....Only Veer...Moan my name baby"

He pumped his fingers in and out, while his tongue worked simultaneously doing wonders on me. I felt something build up inside my stomach, "Let it go like a good girl", I heard him and in an instant I let it flow through my thighs. Veer took some of the juices and sucked it, making my breath hitched. How can this man look so hot, doing just a simple thing.

Then Veer slowly pulled out his boxer, and I saw his member flung open. Some liquid oozing out of it. His length is so big, how can I fit him. “This was just the trailer baby, ready for the actual movie?” Veer said smirking. I didn’t recover from the previous orgasm, and my body soon started reacting on his words. I felt the heat increasing down there when he rubbed his cock on my wets.

“Hold me tight, baby” He said and I wrapped my arms around his neck hesitatingly. “I promise I will be gentle.” He assured kissing my forehead.


I captured her lips in fierce kiss and then slowly made my way towards her entrance. Her screams muffled in my mouth. "Fuck baby, you're so tight", I groaned in pain when her pussy clenched my member.

Slowly her whimpers turned into her sweet melodious moans. I increased my pace faster, our foreheads were touched together.

 “Cat got her nails, huh. Scratch my back and mark me as yours.” I said hitting her gspot making her moan loudly. Her nails doing perfect job on my back. "Veer......Please", she cried out, and I know what was coming now, she was again going to cum. I increased my pace even more.

I turned her around this time, and I pushed her upper region on the bed, while her hips were on the air. I took the opportunity and pounded inside her. "Aaahhhhhh", she screamed and I took her in an urgent kiss.

I pulled her out making her confuse, and she turned around and glare at me. But I gave her playful smack on her ass, that made her moan, "Did I ask you to turn around? hmm" She huffed and faced towards her front, I inserted two fingers inside her and started hitting the Gspot, "Veer....ahhh...please", she cried out but still I continued and she squirted her juices.

"My baby loves to squirt hmm...", I remarked and she looked at me with hazy eyes. "Veer please.....", she begged and I smirked, "Please what, Sweetheart??" I acted and she glare at me.

"Please....put your dick inside...Aahhhhh", before she could finish I slammed inside her. She muffled her moans by torturing her lips. I raised my hand and spanked her ass. “I don’t like repeating Akshara, bite those lips again and see what’s coming next”

[Veer dadddyyy 🥵🥵😭]

I rammed her inside out until she came hard on her thighs, then after her I came down and spilled my seeds inside her. She slumped down. it's her first time and she is so tired. I pulled out from her.

[Finally baccha process chalu hogya😭🤌🏻🤌🏻]

Mature Content Ended 🔞

And then laid beside her, while pulling her in my arms. I cooed her in my arms my one arm massaging her lower abdomen. She snuggled more into the hug, I gave her a forehead kiss and asked while playing with hairs, "Did you like it, Love??" She looked at me and said, "It was amazing, but I'm sore."

"Baby wait here", I was moving to prepare a warm bath for her, but she didn't let me. “Please stay”, she said while clutching my arm. "I will as long as you want. But I want to take care of you. It's my responsibility"

[Haaye Veer dedo mujhko😭🤌🏻]

I went inside the bathroom and started filling the tub with warm water. Putting some lavender essence inside the tub, for soothing the pain and soreness. I made my way towards our bed and saw her sleeping inside the duvet like a baby, my baby.

Slowly picking her in my arms ,I made my way inside and placed her inside the tub. The warm water hit her and she relaxed after a while. I let her be inside for sometime, while I went towards the bed and discarded the bloodied sheets. Changing into the fresh ones, I went inside the bathroom.

I made Akshu wear one of my Tshirts, which reached her thighs. She was looking so pretty even in this tired state. I pulled over the duet over us and whispered, "Sleep tight baby."

Finally, I wrote the most awaited chp 😭🤌🏻 You won't believe but it was so hard to write such a long chapter.

Also, please forgive if you aren't satisfied with the smut part, because it's my first time writing it. 

How was the chapter?? Did you like it?? Which scene was your fav?

Finally baby process chalu hogya😭😭🤌🏻

Okay I'm feeling sleepy. Goodnight.


Love Authorshyra💋

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